Top Reasons to Choose VersaKinetic

  1. High Quality One-on-One Care At VersaKinetic Therapy, LLC, you will experience the exception to the rule.  Every appointment is always one-on-one with Sarah Kapp.  She believes the consistent care and undivided attention that you deserve are two very important keys to your success.  If you seek help getting back to the things you love to do, then why not take advantage of what you deserve?
  2. Empowerment Sarah's expertise is movement and the human body, and she believes that her job is not complete unless she has fulfilled her duty to educate you as well.  In combination with her unique skill set and treatment style, she will guide, teach and empower you so that you have the tools, knowledge and confidence to be an active participant in achieving your goals.  The more you understand about your brain and body, the more independent you will be.  This also translates into prevention of future injury and less reliance upon the medical establishment.
  3. Dynamic Appointments Every appointment is an hour of one-on-one care.  That means no waiting and an hour devoted to you and your goals.  Each hour is spent on treatment techniques that only Sarah can provide rather than drills and exercises that can be taught as part of your training program at home.  There will also be time to answer your questions and teach you ways to be proactive in achieving your goals.  This set up results in productive sessions with the idea of high quality appointments over quantity of appointments in mind.
  4. Personalized & Holistic Approach The human body is not just composed of many parts that can be addressed individually.  It is also not an image that can be displayed on a computer screen displaying all of the different parts.  It is an incredibly intricate and beautiful system, and should be treated as such.  Each person has his/her own history, goals, fears and ideas which add to its complexity.  With her one-on-one style of care, Sarah can take the time to help her clients truly target the source of their complaints, thereby addressing the whole person, rather than just treat the symptoms or parts.
  5. Concierge Service As important as treatment is, building trusting relationships is just as, if not more important, when it comes to healing and wellness.  This is why it is so important to Sarah to be accessible to her clients; you are her priority.  With technology making this so much easier, when you call, email or text Sarah, you will be communicating directly with her.  You will not be put on hold or have to leave messages with support staff hoping to get a call back.  Having full access like this and building a trusting relationship with your physical therapist is how Sarah can create an unmatched experience for you.
  6. Better Results in Fewer Visits With one-on-one care every session, it is no surprise that clients often see faster results than going to insurance based clinics.  Since Sarah can devote all of her attention to you as it should be, diagnosis and treatment can be more accurate and more specific to your needs helping you reach your goals faster.  Productive sessions combined with personalized home training programs also mean fewer unnecessary appointments.

  7. Time & Money Saved Sarah is dedicated to helping you save your valuable time and money in the long run as it is her mission to do whatever is necessary to get you back to your life in as few sessions as possible.  Because of Sarah's approach of high quality over quantity, multiple physical therapy sessions per week are rare unlike more traditional clinics.  Add that to fewer visits to your doctor and less chance of extra tests, X-rays and MRI's and it equals fewer co-pays, less gas money spent and possibly the most important thing: more time to live your life.
  8. No Prescription Needed In Ohio, you do not need a prescription or referral to see a physical therapist.  You can seek care directly from Sarah and take the first step toward your goals instead of waiting.  There is no need to waste your valuable time and money going to a doctor or specialist, and possibly undergoing unnecessary tests and imaging when physical therapy can be your first choice.  More often than not, you will be referred to physical therapy anyway.  Most insurance companies honor 'Direct Access' but it is still highly recommended that you check the policies of your health insurance plan first. 
  9. Schedule Now